強普科技股份有限公司創立於民國九十六年九月十九日(2007年9月19日),創立者為台灣最早一代的 EMC專業技術人員,經歷過完整的EMC實驗室實務歷練,就 EMC 測試設備(EMI/EMS/RF)的設置及測試場地(OATS,Chamber,Shielded room)的建立經驗約 30 年。
- 1988年任職於誠信科技股份有限公司(ADT), 開始踏入此一領域,完整的測試、修改、實驗室品管 (ISO 17025)、系統整合的經歷。
- 1997年受邀至程智科技股份有限公司任實驗室主管, 負責整個EMC實驗室的運作。
- 2001 年轉任電波暗室及測試設備部門主管。
- 2003 年受邀回誠信科技股份有限公司成立之子公司『群信電子股份有限公司(SISC)』掌管所有營運-電波暗室承建,EMC儀器設備買賣及系統整合服務。
- 2006年因群信電子股份有限公司售給他司而轉至快特電波的設備部門任該部門主管。
- 2007年和法國 Satimo 公司取得默契,成立強普科技股份有限公司獨家代理 Satimo 產品並從事EMC/RF 電波暗室承造及測試設備銷售服務。
- 2007 年10月取得韓國三和(SAMWHA) Ferrite tile 的銷售代理。
- 2007 年10月取得德國 Schwarzbeck的銷售代理資格。
- 2007 年10月取得美國 Cuming Microwave的獨家銷售代理資格。
- 2008 年以Satimo原公司為主體,並入 MVG 集團(含Satimo、OrbitFR、AEMI)。
- 2010 年08月取得美國 COM-POWER 全系列產品的銷售代理資格。
- 2013 年 12 月取得荷蘭 DMAS Absorber 的獨家銷售代理資格。
- 2015 年 10 月 Cuming Microwave 併入 PPG,並繼續代理其相關產品。
- 2015 年 12 月取得美國DS Instrument的獨家銷售代理資格。
About us :
ChamPro Technology Co., Ltd. was established in 2007, the founder of ChamPro-Mr. Charles Wang- is the first generation of EMC engineer in Taiwan, having more than 30 years experience in EMC testing, debugging, Lab quality control and system integration works.
- 1988, joined ADT- EMC Lab. Taiwan.
Handling EMI Testing, Debugging, ISO 17025 quality control and test system integration.
- 1997, was invited by CCS to be the senior manager of EMC lab. Handling all activities of EMC laboratory.
- 2001, transferred to handle the department of chamber and equipment business.
- 2003, was invited by ADT to handle its new subsidiary –SISC for running all activities of Chamber business and system integration service.
- 2006, moved to QuieTek (QTK) to be the CEO of Chamber department since SISC was sold to other party.
- 2007, Getting Satimo/France support to form a new company and be its agent in Taiwan and doing chamber construction business and system integration service.
- 2007, OCT. getting the authority from SAMWHA/Korea to sell their ferrite tile in both Taiwan and China.
- 2007, OCT. getting the authority from Schwarzbeck to be its sales representative in Asia.
- 2007, OCT. getting the authority from Cuming Microwave to be its sales representative in Taiwan and China.
- 2008, The agent of MVG(Microwave Vision Group), it includes Satimo, OrbitFR and AEMI.
- 2010, AUG. getting the authorization of COM-POWER/USA as the agent for Taiwan and China market.
- 2013, Dec. getting the authorization of DMAS/NL to sell their products in Taiwan.
- 2015, Oct. Cuming Microwave was merged by PPG.
- 2015, Dec. getting the authorization of DS Instrument /USA as the agent for Taiwan and China market.
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