Absorber from DMAS/Netherland~ |
MT Series (Microwave type1)), right hand side with walkway on top. |
HT Series (Hybrid type2)), right hand side with walkway on top. |
特點(Feature)- Material(材質): Polystyrene (EPS)3)
- 防潮, 耐用
(Anti-moisture, Solid/Durable)
- 底座安裝無需膠水, 螺絲固定安裝, 完整拆卸, 100% 可重覆再使用。
(No glue for installation on base, fixing by screws, removable w/o damage,
100% re-useable)
- 無塵室規格:class 4 as per ISO14644-1 / class 10 as per US Fed. Standard 209E
(Clean room spec.: class 4 as per ISO14644-1 / class 10 as per US Fed. Standard 209E)
- 耐用年限長,正常使用可以達四十年。
(Life time 40 years)
- 防火等級: ISO 11925-2 class E / DIN 4102 class B2 / NRL 8093 test 1,2,3
(Fire retardancy: ISO 11925-2 class E / DIN 4102 class B2 / NRL 8093 test 1,2,3)
1) Microwave type: Mainly for OTA/antenna chamber or for high band application w/o ferrite tile.
2) Hybrid type: Mainly for EMC chamber, working with ferrite tile.
3) EPS 發泡聚苯乙烯,採模具射出成型,俗稱保麗龍。
Absorber from Cuming/USA~ |
C-RAM SFC Series (Microwave) |
C-RAM HFP Series (Hybrid type) |
C-RAM FLX Series (flexible sheet ) |
C-RAM FAC series(flexible urethane foam) |
Absorber from AEMI/USA~ |
AEP Series (Microwave) |
AEPH Series (Hybrid type) |
Ferrite tile from SAMWHA/Korea~ |
HSN Series (Mn) |
SN Series (Ni) |